3 Tips on How to Learn More From Tutorials

Originally published on Typeshare How much are you actually learning from tutorials? Tutorials are a great way to learn new things. But you need to balance guided learning with unguided learning, or you won’t learn anything at all. Here are 3 tips on how to get the most out of tutorials: Re-create the tutorial in a different context Let’s say you’ve created a Facebook clone by following a tutorial. You can use what you’ve learned to build a Twitter clone.
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The 4 Keys to Successful Commitments

Originally Published on Typeshare I started reading through The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington. So far it’s ok. The book should cut out content because there’s a lot of fluff. But there’s one thing I found worth sharing. The 4 keys to successful commitments: Have a strong desire for the end result Do you have a strong desire for the end result of your commitment?
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WTF Git?! 3 Things That Confused Me When I Started Using Git

When I was a university student, whenever I fucked up my local repository I instantly deleted it and re-cloned it. I hated git as a student. But once I started investing time to learn git, things finally clicked. I was no longer blowing up my local repository to fix my dumb mistakes. Here are 3 things that confused me as a newbie: WTF does origin mean? You’ve probably seen the word origin frequently when working with git.
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Bob Nystrom’s Four Rules for Better Naming in Programming

Yesterday, I re-discovered Bob Nystrom’s Long Names Are Long blog post. When he was doing code reviews at Google, he noticed a lot of code creating “identifiers that were too damn long.” So he wrote this blog post to provide guidelines on how to create better identifiers. Here’s my summary of Bob’s four rules:

  1. Omit words that describe the variable’s type or the method’s parameters It’s redundant to put the type in the variable’s name.
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The Coolest Things I Learned This Week

Originally published on Typeshare How to minimize context switching at work I’m spending too much time to complete tasks at work. Why? I’m not doing a good job of avoiding distractions. By distractions, I mean the ones that I can control. Distractions such as phone notifications, emails, Webex messages, and unnessarcy meetings. Each one saps the focus out of me, and it takes tremendous effort to get it back. This week, Maria Romanenko Vexlard published tips on how to minimize context switching at work.
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