How To Generate Ideas For Writing

You can’t write essays or articles without generating ideas first. The is no shortcut around this fact. That’s why Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole created the Endless Idea Generator. It’s a framework designed to help you generate an endless stream of ideas. Dickie and Nicolas explain the framework in greater detail in their Ship 30 for 30 course. In this post, I wanted to give an overview of the framework for anyone struggling to generate ideas.
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Read-it-later Apps Saved Me

For years, I used my web browser to save articles I wanted to read later. It was dumb. I opened articles in new tabs, and made a mental reminder to read them later. But it rarely worked. The web browser is not a good place to manage articles. There are too many distractions–Reddit, YouTube, Gmail. My machine’s resources get taxed the more tabs I have open. I could get careless and lose a tab with an accidental click.
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You Should Be Using Hugo Archetypes

I hate repetitve tasks. They make me bored and vulernable to human error. If I can find a solution to automate repetitive tasks, I will. If you stop being boring and repetitive, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you… but if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you… and I will automate you. – Liam Neeson, probably
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Writing is Hard

It’s been seven days of continuous blog posts, and my biggest takeaway is writing is hard. “If you find that writing is hard, it’s because it is hard.” – William Zinsser, On Writing Well Putting thoughts into words is a challenge. Even writing short blog posts is a struggle. I spend anywhere between 1 - 1.5 hours getting a 200 word draft out. My problem is I’m writing and editing in parallel, and it bottlenecks my speed to produce a draft.
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Add Google Analytics to Your Hugo Site

This tutorial is for setting up Google analytics v4 on your Hugo site. Previous versions of Google Analytics used Tracking ID rather than Measurement ID. Prerequisites Before we get started, go to and create an account (or use your Google account). Sign-in to your account before proceeding. Step 1. Generate the Measurement ID Click on “Start measuring” to get started. Fill out the Account, Property, and About your business forms.
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