Interested in Learning Web Development and Golang? Here’s 4 Reasons Why You Should Purchase This Course
Originally published on Typeshare
Jon Calhoun’s Web Development with Go is one of best courses for learning Golang and Web Development.
I had zero programming experience in Golang when I joined Cisco. At Cisco, Golang powers SaaS applications, microservices, and tons of other applications. And I wanted to be a contributor to these projects as fast as possible. I needed a resource to teach me Golang outside of work hours.
That’s when I found Jon Calhoun’s course.
I loved the course. I even completed a second pass to help me build an Allrecipes clone.
Interested in learning Golang too? Then here’s 4 reasons why you should purchase Web Development for Go:
1. Build a Web Application From Scratch⌗
Bored of building ToDo list web apps?
This course teaches you how to build a production-ready web application. You build a photo sharing application, like Flickr, from scratch. No web frameworks. You implement things such as user authentication and querying a PostgresSQL database. By the end of the course, you’ll have a web application deployed to a production server.
That’s 10x better than a ToDo app.
2. Superb Teacher Styling⌗
Jon’s spews Golang knowledge.
He has spoken on podcasts and at Gotham Go. He has a free course called Gophercises. He publishes quality articles about Golang. Jon will even send you free samples of the course.
Check out any of these resources, and you’ll know he has the teaching experience.
3. Loads of Content⌗
Content, content, and more content.
The course has 40 hours of screencasts and a 700+ page eBook version. You get free access to the source code, and an invite to a Slack channel for asking questions. There’s bonus content like interviews with Gophers, Dropbox SDK integration, and OAuth2.
4. Free Updates And Newer Version Coming Soon⌗
Free. Updates.
Once you pay for the course, you have lifetime access. Jon is planning to release a massive overhaul to the course soon. He first released the course in 2016. Since then, he’s received feedback from many students and has learned a lot himself. He made an announcement about the new course and projected a release date for end of 2021. I haven’t seen a new release date yet.
If you buy the course, however, you gain immediate access to 50% of the new course’s screencasts.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of this post on Twitter.