Originally published on Typeshare

In 2020, I spent 5 months studying data structures and algorithms.

Within that time-frame, I learned 4 valuable tips that could have reduced my study time down to a month.

Here are the 4 tips I wish I knew before I started studying for interviews:

Mentally prepare yourself for a difficult interview

The interview will be hard.

You’ll have 40-50 minutes to provide a working solution. And on top of that, you have someone evaluating your work in real-time. It’s going to be stressful.

Stay calm, and be confident in your abilities.

How long does it take you to solve a technical interview question?

Practice time management.

A typical interview lasts 40-50 minutes, but you won’t have the entire time to solve the problem. Introductions take up a few minutes at the beginning.. Another 5-10 minutes explaining the problem and clarifying any questions. This leaves you with about 25 minutes to fully write and test code.

While you’re studying algorithms and data structures, time yourself. Make sure you’re not going over 25 minutes.

Think of test cases for your solution

When you finish solving a question, don’t just stop there.

Ask yourself, what inputs should I use to cover all cases of my solution? Think corner cases. Interviewers want to see that you’re thinking about this. It’s a big mistake to write the code and claim you’re done.

Think of the inputs your solution should handle.

Find a buddy to do mock interviews with

LeetCode isn’t a perfect representation of a real interview.

Interviewers are going to ask you follow up questions. They’re going to change up the original problem. Find a buddy who’s willing to be your mock interviewer.

Mock interviews are great for getting a taste of the real deal and receiving valuable feedback.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of this post on Twitter.