3 Things I’ve Learned From Coding an Hour a Day

For the past 11 days I’ve been working on a small project. I do one hour coding sessions after work to focus on something I’m passionate about. The current project I’m working on is nearing its completion, and I’ve learned a lot. But there are things I wish I did differently. Here are three things I want to do for my next project:

  1. Identify the primary goal of the project I don’t want to be stuck in development hell.
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Don’t Be Afraid to Write Sht Code. Here Are 4 Things I Learned About My Sht Code Yesterday

Originally published on Typeshare I love writing sht code. Yesterday I wrote the most mom’s spaghetti looking code I had ever seen. It was the great. I couldn’t believe how productive and creative I was being. Here’s what I learned about my sht code: Writing sh*t code helped me understand third-party tools faster Are you learning a new third-party tool like an API wrapper for your favorite language? Read the documentation and start coding something.
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WTF Git?! 3 Things That Confused Me When I Started Using Git

When I was a university student, whenever I fucked up my local repository I instantly deleted it and re-cloned it. I hated git as a student. But once I started investing time to learn git, things finally clicked. I was no longer blowing up my local repository to fix my dumb mistakes. Here are 3 things that confused me as a newbie: WTF does origin mean? You’ve probably seen the word origin frequently when working with git.
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Bob Nystrom’s Four Rules for Better Naming in Programming

Yesterday, I re-discovered Bob Nystrom’s Long Names Are Long blog post. When he was doing code reviews at Google, he noticed a lot of code creating “identifiers that were too damn long.” So he wrote this blog post to provide guidelines on how to create better identifiers. Here’s my summary of Bob’s four rules:

  1. Omit words that describe the variable’s type or the method’s parameters It’s redundant to put the type in the variable’s name.
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3 Tools Programmers Should Install to Modernize Their Command Line

Do you ever get the feeling that your command line shell feels outdated? Is it slowing you down? The initial release date of the Bash shell was 1989. The Unix commands? Even older, the 1970s. They’re old, but they’re not obsolete. There exists, however, alternatives that can increase productivity. Alternatives for the modern software development era. These are the 3 tools programmers should install to modernize their command line.

  1. The Smart And User-Friendly Command Line Shell The modern alternative to the Bash shell is Fish shell.
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Common Code Review Mistakes

Originally published on Typeshare In a previous post, I talked about practicing code reviews with empathy. This time I wanted to share three common code review mistakes I made in the past: Assuming Senior Devs Are Above Code Reviews Senior devs have mastered the craft, right? After thousands of hours of practice, they’ve reached the final form–the perfect programmer. But senior devs are humans. Humans make mistakes, and code reviews are the perfect tool for catching mistakes early.
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The Empathetic Code Reviewer

Originally published on Typeshare There is nothing more humiliating than publishing a code review only to receive nonconstructive feedback. “Why didn’t you…” “This is wrong…” “This won’t work…” These types of comments are toxic. Toxicity negatively impacts team morale and creates a hostile work environment. But there’s an antidote to counteract the toxicity. Empathy. Here are some ideas to help you become The Empathetic Code Reviewer: Communicate Positive Intent Directives and criticisms produce one-way conversations.
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