His name is Cesar Aguirre.

Do I know Cesar personally? Nope. Does the developer community need to know Cesar? YES.

I have never met Cesar or spoken to him via DMs. That’s the beauty of the internet. You find people you would have never thought existed.

If I didn’t publish to dev.to, then I would have not known of Cesar’s existence.

He liked my post and I got curious to learn more about the person behind the like

I clicked on his profile and I saw a link to his website.

His work impressed me. He writes book reviews. He wrote an eBook about unit testing. He publishes articles that are extremely helpful for beginners and C# programmers.

Here are some articles I enjoyed:

He’s everything I aspire to be. One day I’ll get there.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of this post on Twitter.